We discuss how much IT staff for gangs make, the NSA asking congress to re-auth it to spy on the world, and swatting targeting Board Members and C-levels, with added snark.
Article 1 - The wages of sin aren't that great if you're a developer choosing the dark side
Supporting Article:
Come to the dark side: hunting IT professionals on the dark web
Article 2 - NSA asks Congress to let it get on with that warrantless data harvesting, again
Supporting Articles:
Section 702 Basics Infographic
Decoding 702: What is Section 702?
‘Incidental,’ Not Accidental, Collection
Remember the FBI's promise it wasn’t abusing the NSA’s data on US peeps? Well, guess what…
Article 3 - Surge of swatting attacks targets corporate executives and board members
Supporting Article:
Inside the Global Fight for White Power
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