Once again, we dip our toes into another report, in constant hope of finding one worth the time it takes to read!
This is one of the better ones, due to approximately half a page on page 30. What's on that page? Well, either listen or go to the report and see!
Report Link - Global Threat Intelligence Report
Original Article we briefly discuss - BlackBerry's Inaugural Quarterly Threat Intelligence Report Reveals Threat Actors Launch One Malicious Threat Every Minute
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In this episode, we finish taking a deep dive into an article by my Infosec spirit animal, Daniel Miessler on the future of Information...
This week we discuss eSIM Stealing (not swapping!), the EPA attempting to secure water systems again, and the coming, future Maximum Overdrive like Apocalypse...
Matthew ran a little late this weekend, so apologies for being a day late deploying the latest security news into your earhole! We talk...