FINALLY! A SOAR platform called Blink has added generative AI to the creating automations. I'm sure this is just a step in getting there, but I'M EXCITED! Also, we talk about some other stuff I guess. NY suing Hyundai and Kia, and Barracuda ESG's getting popped.
Article 1 - Blink Copilot Brings Generative AI to Security Automation
Article 2 - New York City latest to sue Hyundai and Kia claiming their cars are too easy to steal
Supporting Articles:
What Is an Immobilizer and Does My Car Have One?
The Kia Challenge, explained
Article 3 - Barracuda tells its ESG owners to 'immediately' junk buggy kit
Supporting Articles:
Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Vulnerability (CVE-2023-2868) Exploited Globally by Aggressive and Skilled Actor, Suspected Links to China
Barracuda identified a vulnerability (CVE-2023-2868) in our Email Security Gateway appliance (ESG) on May 19, 2023.
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