We are joined today by Friend of the Pod Victor, here to give us some of his insight as we discuss the latest security news, including FTX's atrocious security, Non-AI voices used in Swatting, and the latest from 3CX.
Article 1 - FTX's Cybersecurity Was Hilariously Bad
Supporting Articles:
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Says Firm Invested $24M in FTX: Reuters
PDF Report Download Link
Article 2 - To improve security, consider how the aviation world stopped blaming pilots
Supporting Article:
Wisconsin Passes Law Requiring Independent Investigations of Police Shootings
Article 3 - A Computer Generated Swatting Service Is Causing Havoc Across America
Supporting Article:
Swatting as a Service
Article 4 - 3CX Breach Was a Double Supply Chain Compromise
Supporting Article:
3CX Software Supply Chain Compromise Initiated by a Prior Software Supply Chain Compromise; Suspected North Korean Actor Responsible
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