We have a smorgasbord of articles today! Some consultants tell us that Deception is hard, and David has a spicy take, we discuss differential privacy briefly, aged domains used in malware, and KILLER ROBOTS!
Article 1 - Crafty threat actor uses 'aged' domains to evade security platforms
Article 2 - How to Use Cyber Deception to Counter an Evolving and Advanced Threat Landscape
Article 3 - Computer Repair Technicians Are Stealing Your Data
Supporting Article:
Samsung Releases Maintenance Mode, A New Feature To Hide Your Personal Information From Prying Eyes
Thinking about taking your computer to the repair shop? Be very afraid
Article 4 - San Francisco lawmakers approve lethal robots, but they can't carry guns
Supporting Articles:
Bomb-disposal robot violently disposes of Dallas cop-killer gunman
Goliath Demolition Tank
Article 5 -Census Bureau Chief Defends New Privacy Tool Against Critics
Supporting Article:
What is Differential Privacy and How does it Work?
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In this episode, we deep dive into two articles, linked below:Half of Q1's malware traffic observed by Sophos was TLS encrypted, hiding inside legit...
Cofense released their annual State of Email Security 2023 report, so we take a deep dive and see what it has to offer. A...
In this episode we discuss three articles. First, a brief summary of security planning in mergers and acquisitions. Second, what's most important during a...