The Interplanetary File System serving malware from the stars! Also included are some bonus discussions around automatically exfiltrating information from your own organization using SOAR and a discussion about an article on API myths. Matthew got heated on the API one. It's mostly good information, but presented in a super sale-sy way. And there's nothing Matthew hates more than sales. Vendors make him froth at the mouth.
Article 1 - Top 5 API Security Myths That Are Crushing Your Business
Article 2 - InterPlanetary File System Increasingly Weaponized for Phishing, Malware Delivery
Supporting Articles:
Attackers Using IPFS for Distributed, Bulletproof Malware Hosting
Several Cyber Attacks Observed Leveraging IPFS Decentralized Network
InterPlanetary File System
Article 3 -'s SOAR spot: Chatty security tools leaking private data
Supporting Articles:
Tell HN: GitHub leaked names of private repos with pages
Understanding Google Dorks and How Hackers Use Them
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