In this episode we discuss the top ten mistakes that CISO's make when it comes to vulnerability management. I think that really could have been a top 5 list, but hey, maybe there was a word count. Then we discuss RSA. Which is funny, because neither of us went, so we read a bunch of articles about it and pretend we went! Interestingly enough, we meant to discuss RSA as a covid super spreader event, and our different risk based takes on Covid, but we ran out of time!
Article 1 - Vulnerability management mistakes CISOs still make
Article 2 - RSA 2022 Musings: The Past and The Future of Security
Supporting Articles:
Inside the RSAC expo: Buzzword bingo and the bear in the room
RSAC branded a 'super spreader event' as attendees share COVID-19 test results
MDR vs. MSSP: Why it's vital to know the difference
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